Published On: June 22nd, 2019Tags: , , , , ,

 Free Audio Downloads 

Triangle Mental Health Foundation is supporting the International Stress Management Association by providing free stress-relieving audio downloads for you to enjoy.

How to Download

Simply click the link on this page to download the audio sessions to your laptop, PC or smart device. Then plug in headphones or earbuds and enjoy the audio tracks which are specially designed to reach down deep into your subconscious and powerfully revitalise your mental well-being.

1. Supercharger – 15 Minutes DOWNLOAD

As the name suggests this audio download is exactly 15 minutes long and will give you some instant quality recharging time should you require it, this download opens the doorway to the subconscious mind to rewire any negative self-beliefs and thinking. Using a powerful combination of special audio sound effects, this audio enables you to become extremely relaxed, your mind driven inwards to feed a steady flow of mental energy. The affect has been described as like enjoying a 2-week holiday in 15 minutes.

2. Sleep Relaxation – 60 minutes DOWNLOAD

This audio will help you overcome anxiety, through the power of relaxation. Just lay back and relax and allow yourself to be transported to a wonderfully calm new world of relaxation.

How the Downloads will Help You

What happens to the body when you relax? 

When you relax your body responds in a number of ways, including:

  • Your breathing becomes deeper and slower.  
  • Your heart rate decreases and slows down.  
  • The blood flow to the extremities increases.  
  • Your hormones become more balanced.  
  • Your overall metabolism is slowed down.  

These elements of relaxation are beneficial for both your physical health and your mental well-being, but what’s the best way to experience deep relaxation? 

Relaxation preparation  

Find a comfortable place If possible where you will not will not be disturbed, choose a comfortable position in which to relax if you are sitting in a chair, try and find a comfort position that will support your head, sit with your legs uncrossed and slightly apart and place your hands in your lap or the arms of the chair. If you are lying down keep your legs uncrossed and allow your arms to rest either side of your body. 

Our downloads will help you from the moment you start to use them and research shows that for maximum benefit they should be listened to at least once a day, on headphones/earbuds, and played for a minimum of 21 days .

Medical Advice Disclaimer:  

Triangle Mental Health Foundation is a charity whose purpose is to promote sound knowledge and best practice in promoting Stress Prevention and Well-being. Triangle Mental Health Foundation advises If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. 

© Triangle Mental Health Foundation 2024

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